AIM25 member Institution of Engineering and Technology, is delighted to announce a forthcoming event to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Electrical Association for Women. We are very pleased to post the below guest blog written for AIM25 by the IET’s Archivist, Asha Gage.
“One hundred years ago the Electrical Association for Women (EAW) was founded. In its centenary year, the IET Archives, along with partner institutions and individuals, will be celebrating this accomplished organisation that helped to educate and empower women all over the world.”
“It all began on 12 November 1924, when a group of engineers, teachers, Girl Guide leaders, town planning committees and industry representatives met to discuss the life-changing opportunities of a new technology; domestic electricity. To support professional women, the EAW held training courses for domestic science teachers, and set up certifications for women working as demonstrators in electricity showrooms. By asking women what they needed from this technology they were able to campaign for solutions- better design, more socket outlets, more functional layouts. Women were encouraged to take up the opportunities offered by this new industry. Although the EAW was discontinued in 1986, there are many themes, such as making smart and informed choices and considering electrical economy, which are relevant to today’s consumers.”
EAW: “Freedom from Drudgery” embodied in the All Electric House
Centenary Event at Savoy Place, London, 12 November 2024
“The IET Archives have been working on a number of projects to celebrate the EAW as they hold extensive records relating to their work and individual campaigners. These have included digitising the complete set of journals from 1926-1986 and making this social history resource fully, and freely, accessible via their website. They have also collaborated with academic partners to research and write about key themes within the journals that can be found on their blog. The year-long celebration of talks and exhibits will culminate in an event on women in engineering and energy, both past and present, at the IET Savoy Place, London on 12 November 2024.”
To view the full programme for Electric Dreams, and to book tickets, please see the IET website.