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1.35 Educational institutions

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Adult education institutions [U]
NT1 Mechanics' Institutes [A]
NT1 Training centres [U]
    NT2 Missionary training institutions [S]
RT Community centres [U]
RT Educational institutions [U]
RT Evening schools [U]
RT Summer schools [U]
Educational institutions [U]
NT1 Mission educational institutions [S]
RT Adult education institutions [U]
RT Educational organizations [U]
RT Educational systems [U]
RT Higher education institutions [U]
RT Schools [U]
Higher education institutions [U]
NT1 Universities [U]
    NT2 Technological institutes [U]
NT1 Vocational schools [U]
    NT2 Teacher education schools [U]
RT Academic buildings [U]
RT Academic libraries [U]
RT Academic teaching personnel [U]
RT Educational institutions [U]
RT Higher education [U]
RT University campuses [U]
Mission educational institutions [S]
SN Institutions, college or seminaries established and run by missionaries for the education and vocati
RT Training centres [U]
RT Vocational schools [U]
Mission schools [S]
NT1 Missionary childrens schools [S]
RT Community schools [U]
Missionary training institutions [S]
SN Institutions for the training of missionaries.
RT Vocational schools [U]
UF Missionary training colleges
Schools [U]
SN Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
NT1 Boarding schools [U]
NT1 Community schools [U]
NT1 Denominational schools [U]
NT1 Evening schools [U]
NT1 Experimental schools [U]
NT1 Industrial schools [A]
NT1 International schools [U]
NT1 Mission schools [S]
    NT2 Missionary childrens schools [S]
NT1 Nursery schools [A]
    NT2 Day nurseries [U]
NT1 Open plan schools [U]
NT1 Reformatory schools [B]
NT1 Secondary schools [U]
    NT2 Comprehensive schools [U]
NT1 Service children's schools [B]
NT1 Summer schools [U]
RT Educational institutions [U]
RT School libraries [U]

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